Drinks at the Berlin Icebar

When you enter the bar, you’ll receive a Seaman's Book (or Seefahrtsbuch) before you can take part in the Polar Expedition. The Seaman's Book documents you as a crew member of the Hansa. 

The book also documents the drinks you have consumed, so be sure to have it stamped when you order your included free drinks in Berlin Icebar (one in the tavern and two in the icebar).


Drinks in the tavern

You enter the Polar Expedition in the tavern. A nice, warm bar where our bartenders are ready to pour you a drink while you meet your fellow crew members. Here you can also buy more drinks after your visit to the ice bar.


Drinks in the icebar

As you brave the cold of the Arctic, you can claim your two included drinks at the icebar.

Serving drinks in the icebar
Amazing! Such a beautiful and quirky bar
Lauren L
10/10 must go
Ice drinks
Stanoje K

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